Your presence is what people remember you for. It either influences people positively or negatively. 

Become aware of how presence impacts others and your message.

Your future and your organisation’s future depends on it.

Gravitate to Captivate:


You already have the right skills and knowledge.

Do you have the gravitas to effectively and efficiently convey your message for your audience to take action? 

The most successful executives have presence and gravitas.

  • Their ideas are contagious.
  • They can connect to their audiences when they talk and they influence people when they need to.
  • They transfer confidence in how they convey their message.
  • They are clear in their message and they can connect with an audience

Rezilium The Gravitate Program delves much deeper than most presentation courses


We will help you:

  • Consciously and subconsciously prepare to engage with your audience’s mind so as to leave a lasting impression.
  • Discover your authentic voice so you don’t present but show up as your genuine self in all situations.
  • Truly connect with your audience to make sure they empathize with you and your message.
  • Own the room and fill it with your energy.

You will learn how to:

  • Access your authentic voice so speaking in public is as comfortable as speaking to a close friend
  • Create a connection so your audience is receptive to your message and wants you to succeed
  • Fill the room with your energy that people can connect with
  • Subconsciously prepare so you have done your presentation hundreds of times before you enter the room
  • Respond when you forget your content
  • Create and intensify memorable moments you want the audience to remember and act upon
  • Effectively answer challenging questions even if you don’t know the answer at the time
  • Harness voice, pauses, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, movement and body language to show confidence, passion and gravitas
  • Close a presentation to achieve the action that you need
  • Evaluate your presentation skills and take feedback for continual improvement


Frequently Asked Questions



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